First proof of concept: Emmi's 4.0

"Which strawberries would you recommend to me?"

Staffless self-service retail shops are on the rise. The reasons for this are varied and can most likely also be seen in connection with changes triggered by the pandemic. Lack of personnel, creation of opportunities for flexible, decentralized and efficient care as well as aspects of sustainability can be listed here. The marketing of regional food products is particularly important. It is almost inevitable that this can be implemented using smaller, decentralized sales units. This is offset by the costs of the infrastructure to be created and for operation, which ultimately require the use of digital technologies for efficiency reasons. As part of our work, a test field (living lab) was created to examine opportunities, risks and recommendations for action for the use of generative AI techniques within so-called micro stores. It should be simple up to multimedia ChatBot systems are used with the primary goal of increasing the customers' shopping experience. The secondary objective is to ensure more efficient operation of these forms of sales.

Our institute has designed for the staff-free micro store (sales container) Emmi's 4.0 a digital ChatBot assistant that exactly meets the above goals: the shopping experience is raised to a new level, the operation of this solution is highly efficient. Customers communicate with the system in the same way as they would with an experienced on-site shop agent.

"Einsatz von Generativer KI im Self-service Micro-retailing" - Download our scientific publication (in German) here
Our competency areas

Where did we demonstrate our strengths?

A short list:

Development of AI architectures

Generation of massive AI training data

Training, fine-tuning and otimization of AI models

AI operating concept with attention to TCO

AI acceptance

Development of AI business cases


IT technologies at the connection between humans and machines have been our specialty - for 35 years!


From incremental to disruptive. From a study to a minimum viable product. Everything from a single source!


Successful projects and all this coupled with numerous awards!


We disclose many of our results so that they can be further developed.